The spend limit is the maximum amount your child can spend within a 24 hour period.
For example, if your child has a $10 spend limit and they spend $4 at 9 AM, they will have $6 available to spend until 9 AM the following day.
Pending transactions also count towards the spend limit, even if the purchase was made over 24 hours ago.
Viewing or updating the spend limit
- Open the Kit app.
- Navigate to your child’s profile. You can do this by entering your Boss profile then tapping on your child’s name, or selecting the child’s profile on the ‘Who’s there?’ screen.
- Tap on the ‘Spend’ tab.
- Tap on 'Manage'.
- The spend limit should appear underneath the heading ‘Update daily spend limit’.
- Tap the link ‘Update daily spend limit’ if you would like to update the amount.