Spend limit

The spend limit is the maximum amount your child can spend within a 24 hour period.  

For example, if your child has a $10 spend limit and they spend $4 at 9 AM, they will have $6 available to spend until 9 AM the following day.  

Pending transactions also count towards the spend limit, even if the purchase was made over 24 hours ago. 

Viewing or updating the spend limit

  1. Open the Kit app.
  2. Navigate to your child’s profile. You can do this by entering your Boss profile then tapping on your child’s name, or selecting the child’s profile on the ‘Who’s there?’ screen.
  3. Tap on the ‘Spend’ tab.
  4. Tap on 'Manage'.
  5. The spend limit should appear underneath the heading ‘Update daily spend limit’.
  6. Tap the link ‘Update daily spend limit’ if you would like to update the amount.