1. Help Centre
  2. Making transfers
  3. PayTo errors and troubleshooting

I’m still not getting instant transfers despite approving my Kit PayTo agreement

Please check:

  • Have you approved the Kit PayTo agreement in your banking app? You must log into your banking app to approve the agreements.
  • Have you approved the Kit PayTo agreement for all children? You will receive separate agreements for each child. If you have 3 children, you will receive 3 Kit PayTo agreements. Make sure that you approve all 3 agreements so that all your kids will receive instant transfers.
  • Have you paused the Kit PayTo agreement? Log in to your banking app to resume your Kit PayTo agreement. Contact your bank if you need support to locate PayTo agreements within their app or website.  
  • When was the transfer initiated? If you have recently approved your Kit PayTo agreement, it’s possible that the transfer was initiated before the PayTo agreement was approved. This may happen with PayDays which are automatically processed by the app; the PayDay may have been processed before you approved the agreement.