My kid forgot to tick their jobs. Can I change the amount when approving PayDay?

The amount earned is calculated based on the jobs your kid has ticked off.

If you have turned on the setting to manually approve PayDays, you can amend the amount when you review PayDay. If you do not see the option to edit the amount, make sure you have the latest version of the app.

How do I know if I have the latest version of the app?

Changing how ‘Required Jobs’ are calculated 

By default, ‘Required Jobs’ are all or nothing – your kid must complete all the jobs, otherwise they receive nothing. If your kid has ‘Required Jobs’ they failed to tick off, you can choose to: 

  • Pay the regular pocket money amount in full. 
  • Pay a proportion of jobs completed. If they need to complete 5 jobs to receive $5, if they complete 4 out of 5 jobs they will receive $4.
  • Pay nothing (default behaviour). 

From the Review PayDay screen, tap the ‘Change’ button to update how jobs will be paid out. This will recalculate ‘Amount earned’ and ‘Amount to pay’. 

Override the calculated amount to pay a different amount 

From the Review PayDay screen, edit the field ‘Amount to pay’ directly if you would like to pay an amount different to what has been automatically calculated. 

If you have set Earn to automatically pay PayDays 

You will not be able to amend the amount before it is paid since payments are automatically calculated and processed. If you would like to pay your kid an additional amount, you can make a one-off transfer to your kid’s account. 

How do I transfer money into the Kit App?

If you would like the option to amend the PayDay amount before it is processed, change the setting to enable Boss Approval for PayDay. 

How do I edit PayDay and jobs?