Accepted identity documents

To verify your identity in the Kit app, you will need a physical identity document: 

  • Australian passport OR
  • International passport with a valid Australian visa OR
  • Australian driver licence. 

(You only need to provide one of these documents to set up your Kit account.) 

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept other forms of ID such as Photo Card, Proof of Age Card or other types of licences. This is because there is no central repository of data for these cards, and they are not available via the government’s electronic Document Verification Service. 

Important: If your driver licence or passport has been compromised in a data breach, you cannot use these documents for verification. You will need to wait for your new identification document before applying for Kit. 

Driver licences 

  • Learners and Provisional driver licences can be used.
  • Driver licences will not work if they are cancelled but will work if suspended.
  • For all states other than Tasmania, you can use an expired driver licence. However, the licence must not yet have been renewed. Expired Western Australian licences can only be used up to six months after it has expired. 


  • Expired passports (Australian or international with an Australian visa) can be used but must not be more than 3 years expired.