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  2. Making transfers
  3. PayTo errors and troubleshooting

I can’t find the Kit PayTo agreement in my banking app or website

Kit PayTo agreements are sent immediately to your bank when you first create your Kit account, update your Boss Linked Account, add a new kid profile, or resend the Kit PayTo agreement

Log in to your bank’s app or website to view and approve the agreement. Contact your bank if you need support to locate PayTo agreements within their app or website. Check your email or mobile phone in case your bank has sent emails, SMS or push notifications about PayTo.


CommBank customers 

If you are a CommBank customer, you can navigate to see all of your agreements by: 

  1. Going to the Accounts tab
  2. Select Upcoming bills & payments
  3. Scroll to the bottom and select PayTo
  4. You will see a list of PayTo agreements that are awaiting approval and active. 

If there are no agreements, they may have timed out. You will need to request new Kit PayTo agreements in the Kit app. 


If you still cannot find the Kit PayTo agreement 

First, check that your bank is enabled for PayTo.  

Second, if your bank is PayTo enabled and you have requested instant transfers via the Kit app, your bank may be automatically cancelling the Kit PayTo agreement. This happens when the account type for your Boss Linked Account is not enabled for PayTo. Some banks have not enabled PayTo for certain account types such as savings accounts or accounts requiring 2+ persons to sign to withdraw from the account.  

As this is specific to each bank, contact your bank to confirm if your account type is enabled for PayTo. 


If your bank account is ineligible for PayTo, you can transfer funds instantly to your child by using your child’s BSB and account number to transfer from your banking app.